
拓拉思美国自贸区(FTZ)获洛杉矶港口管理局批准 目前正等待美国海关验收


We are excited to announce that the Los Angeles Port Authority has approved Toolots, Inc. to be a Foreign Trade Zone General Purpose Operator. Toolots Inc.  operates Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) #202 Site 53 in Cerritos, California within the Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan area of San Gabriel Valley.  The FTZ Program was created in 1934 as part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “New Deal” Act, designed to stimulate economic development, promote international trade, and create U.S. jobs that would otherwise be lost to foreign competition.

日前,洛杉矶港口管理局正式批准拓拉思美国公司成为自贸区运营商,拓拉思美国公司自贸区(FTZ)#202 Site 53,位于加利福尼亚州喜瑞都的圣盖博谷大洛杉矶大都会区内。 自由贸易区计划(FTZ Program)创立于1934年,是富兰克林·罗斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt)“新政”法案的一部分,旨在刺激经济发展,促进国际贸易,为美国创造更多就业机会。



FTZ #202 is a Customs privileged area within 60 miles of the seaport complex of the Ports of Los Angeles-Long Beach, where merchandise may be admitted for storage, manipulation, exhibition and manufacturing duty-free.  Although the FTZ is physically located in Cerritos, California, it is legally considered to be outside the U.S. Customs Territory for import/export purposes.

FTZ#202是距离洛杉矶长滩港口海港大厦60英里内的一个海关特权区。货物在此可免税存放、操作、展览和制造。 虽然FTZ实际位于加利福尼亚州的喜瑞都,但在法律上,它被认为是在美国海关领土之外的进出口业务。

Serving the nation’s busiest gateway to international trade, FTZ #202 offers manufacturers, importers, exporters, & logistics companies with direct access to the Port of Long Beach, the Port of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles International Airport, as well as the nation’s extensive rail and interstate freeway systems.  FTZ #202 Site 53 currently consists of 1 General-Purpose Zone Site within the City of Cerritos comprising  100,000-sqare foot of FTZ Designated Space for General-Purpose Use.

FTZ#202可为美国最繁忙的国际贸易门户提供服务,为制造商、进出口商和物流公司提供直接进入长滩港、洛杉矶港、洛杉矶国际机场以及美国铁路和州际高速公路的系统通道。 FTZ#202 Site 53 目前由喜瑞都市内的1个通用区域站点组成,占地10万平方英尺。

FTZ #202 offers Zone Users the unique opportunity to interact with their merchandise prior to customs review, thus allowing greater control over shipments, minimizing risks and acting as an arena in which companies can conduct international trade.  Within the FTZ, Merchandise may be stored, inspected, cleaned, sampled, repaired, tested, repaired, relabeled, repackaged, displayed, processed, mixed, salvaged, destroyed, assembled or otherwise manipulated duty-free!  A special permit for manufacturing may be obtained for general-purpose zone users upon approval from the FTZ Board.

FTZ#202可为用户提供特有的机会,让他们在海关检查前与商品进行接触,从而加强对货物的控制,将风险降至最低,并充当企业进行国际贸易的舞台。在自贸区内,商品可以免税储存、检验、清洁、取样、修理、测试、重新贴标签、重新包装、展示、加工、混合、回收、销毁、组装或其他操作。 经FTZ管理局批准,可为自贸区用户申请特殊制造许可证。


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How can I benefit from Foreign-Trade Zone #202?




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What is a Foreign-Trade Zone?



Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZ) are a federal economic incentive program to bring international trade within the capability of even the smallest of businesses. FTZs are designated sites within the U.S. where foreign and domestic merchandise is considered to be outside the U.S. Customs territory. The program is designed to lower the cost of doing business and stimulate economic growth and development in the U.S. by allowing companies to defer, reduce or eliminate U.S. Customs duties. Certain types of merchandise can be imported into a Zone without going through formal Customs entry procedures or paying import duties until the products are transferred from the FTZ for U.S. consumption.If merchandise never enters the U.S. commerce or is re-exported to other countries, then no duties are paid on those items. This program was developed to offer U.S.-based facilities with the ability to compete on a more level playing field with offshore locations.

自贸区(FTZ)是一项联邦经济激励计划,旨在将国际贸易纳入最小企业的能力范围内。 自贸区是在美国境内某指定地点,国外和国内商品被认为是在美国海关领土之外。 该计划旨在通过允许公司推迟,减少或减免美国关税来降低经营成本,刺激美国经济增长。在产品从FTZ转运给美国消费者之前, 某些类型的商品可在不经过正式海关入境程序或缴纳进口关税的情况下,进入自贸区。 如果商品从未进入美国消费市场或再出口至其他国家,那么这些商品就无需缴纳关税。 该项目旨在为美国企业提供更公平的竞争力。


Foreign-Trade Zone 202 Project Overview



Foreign-Trade Zone 202 was established in 1994, comprises approximately 2,775 acres of Port property and General Purpose sites in Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino Counties, totaling more than 4,800 acres. In addition, FTZ 202 comprises Subzones in the Southern California cities of Los Angeles, Vernon, and El Segundo. In 2010, the project was approved under the Alternative Site Framework (ASF) structure, which allows for faster approval processing of applications for single-user locations.


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Business Benefits Available Within Foreign-Trade Zone 202



Is the Port of Los Angeles Foreign-Trade Zone Right for Your Business?


Contact the Port of Los Angeles Foreign-Trade Zone to help you determine the return on investment you can achieve through this program if any of the following apply to you:



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Growing Business and Bringing Jobs to the Region


The Port of Los Angeles FTZ strengthens the region’s ability to create jobs and expand business by:



The Port of Los Angeles, also known as America’s Port, Southern California’s gateway to international commerce, is located in San Pedro Bay, 20 miles south of downtown Los Angeles. The nation’s number one Port not only sustains its competitive edge with record-setting cargo operations, but also for its groundbreaking environmental initiatives, progressive security measures, and diverse recreational and educational facilities.

洛杉矶港位于洛杉矶市中心以南20英里的圣佩德罗湾(San Pedro Bay),也被称为美国港,是南加州通往国际商业的门户。作为美国第一大港口,它不仅凭借创纪录的货运业务保持着竞争优势,还有着开创性的环保举措、先进的安全措施以及多样化的娱乐、教育设施。


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The Port of Los Angeles is a department of the City of Los Angeles and is often referred to as the Los Angeles Harbor Department. The Port is operated and managed under a State Tidelands Trust that grants local municipalities jurisdiction over ports and stipulates that activities must be related to commerce, navigation and fisheries. A five-member Board of Harbor Commissioners is appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Los Angeles City Council to provide direction and create policy for the Port.

洛杉矶港是洛杉矶市的一个部门,通常被称为洛杉矶港务局。 该港口由州潮汐信托基金运营和管理,该信托基金授予当地市政当局对港口的管辖权,并规定活动必须与商业、航海或渔业有关。 由市长任命,并由洛杉矶市议会确认为港口委员会提供指导和制定政策的五人委员会。

As a proprietary and self-supporting department, the Port is not supported by city taxes. Instead, revenue is derived from fees for shipping services such as dockage, wharfage, pilotage, storage, property rentals, royalties, and other Port services. Considered a landlord port, the Port of Los Angeles leases its property to tenants who then, in turn, operate their own facilities.



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The Port encompasses 7,500 acres, 43 miles of waterfront and features 27 cargo terminals, including dry and liquid bulk, container, breakbulk, automobile, and warehouse facilities.



